Math 212- Word Story problems

Published by Anonymous under on 10:22 AM
Math word story problems

1. Phoenix is on a mission to prevent an underground drug deal involving the Japanese group The Hand. In order to prevent the deal from taking place, she must first locate Dr. Doom and his orderlies from reaching the meeting point for the exchange of goods. Phoenix has managed to locate a map with a set of coordinates for the direction she must go. However, this map only represents the Y axis she is following. Coordinates showing in the map are -5, -3, -1 0, 1, 3 and 5. Based on the Y axis information provided, if X= 2Y-3, figure out what are the values for the X axis and graph the result to determine which direction Phoenix must got to catch Dr. Doom.
2. News has spread that Joker is now dead. Harlequin has taken this opportunity to gain the ultimate power she longs for, however, before this occurs, she needs to capture servants to execute her rule. The first step in her plan is to capture Wolverine and brainwash him into being his servant as Horseman Death. Wolverine has already learned of this plan, and has taken flight across a map that has been laid out by Phoenix for him, and has been encoded into the equation 5x+3y=12. After Wolverine has taken flight, Harlequin has located Phoenix and has tortured her into confessing Wolverine’s whereabouts. Phoenix provided her with an incorrect path by giving him the equations 9x+15y=6, but she is unsure if these will lead Harlequin to Wolverine or not, Locate the slope of the equations and graph to determine if Harlequin and Wolverine cross paths.
3. Dr Doom has been hired to murder Wolverine. In an attempt to reach him in an unexpected situation, Dr. Doom has captured Wonder Woman and is keeping her hostage in an abandoned warehouse. He plans to use Wonder Woman as bait for Wolverine, to access the warehouse, and then explode it with Dynamite once they are both trapped inside. Dr. Doom needs 1 pound of dynamite for each 10 square feet of the warehouse. If the warehouse is 100 feet wide by 150 feet deep, how much dynamite will Dr. Doom need to use in order to efficiently blow up the warehouse and kill Wolverine and Wonder Woman?
4. Mystique is out on a personal vendetta against Phoenix. She has Phoenix captive and plans to drown her in a pool of mud. The pool is shaped as a prism, with a base of 15 ft and a height of 20 ft. Wolverine has set out to rescue Phoenix, but needs to hurry in order to get there in time to save her. If the pool fills up at the rate of 10 sq. foot per minute, determine how much time Wolverine has to save Phoenix before she drowns.
5. Dr. Doom has planted a bomb in the city of Equatus and plans to set it off and kill everyone in it. After much investigation, Wolverine has located the equation Dr. Doom has used to set the location of the bomb in the city: 9x+3y=12, and has also located one of the values needed to solve the equation: X=(-3). With this information, locate the coordinates for where the bomb is planted in order for Wolverine to save the city from destruction.
6. Harlequin, Joker and Mystique have teamed up in an effort to create chaos over the city of Equatus. They have set timed capsules that contain a deadly virus in 3 different points of the city, A, B and C, forming a right triangle. Point A is located 10 miles from point B. Point B is located 12 miles from point C. Locate the distance from point C to Point A, in order for Phoenix to be able to create a force field to protect the area and contain the virus in hopes to prevent humans contracting the virus and dying.
7. The Joker is out in the city for a day about town, however, what seems as an innocent stroll soon turns to chaos when the Joker and his minions are planning on firing on an open crowd in the town festival. Luckily, Phoenix happens to be at the festival herself, and is in a position where she can create a force field to protect the crowds. If the Plaza where the festival is happening has a length of 7 kilometers and a width of 5 kilometers, determine the area Phoenix must cover with her force field in order to protect the crowds.
8. Harlequin was trying to hold up a bank in the city, but she was unable to pull it off because Wolverine intervened in the situation. She ran off into the alleys of the city, and Wolverine is trying to locate her to have her turned into the police. He is able to locate the coordinates of his current location, (5,-4) and the location Harlequin was heading towards to (-1,8). Locate the slope of the line in order for Wolverine to know in which way he needs to go in order to capture Harlequin.
9. Phoenix is looking down through a factory at a 35˚ angle . If Harlequin is looking down at the same factory from an angle that would be the complementary angle to Phoenix, at what angle would Harlequin be standing at?
10. Wolverine needs to fun across the perimetre of the park in order to catch Dr. Doom before he tries to kidnap a young girl. If each of the park’s sides are 20 ft long, and the park is square, how many feet would Wolverine need to run in order to catch Dr. Doom?

Solution Sheet
-5 -13
-3 -9
-1 -5
0 -3
1 -1
3 3
5 7

a) 5x+3y=12
b) 9x=15y=6
15y= (9x+6)/15= (3x+2)/5
A and B are negative reciprocals, there for the lines intercept

3)1 pound of dynamite per 10 sq. Ft.
100ft +150ft=250ft
250ft/ 10sq ft.= 25 pounds of dynamite are needed

V=15ft * 20ft
V=300 sq. ft
300 sq. ft/ 10 sq. ft= 30 minutes before Phoenix drowns

9 (-3) + 3y=12
Coordinates are (-3,13)

6)C²= a²=+b²

7) A=b+h
A=35 ft. is the area Phoenix must cover to protect the crowds.
8) m=(y1-y1)/(x2-x1)=(-4-8)/5-[-1]) = -(12/6)
y-y1=m (x-x1)
y-(-4)=-2 (x-5)
9) A 55˚angle, because complementary angles complete 90˚
P=4 (10)
P=40 ft.
Wolverine needs to run 40 ft. to catch Dr. Doom.

Turkana: An overview of Tribal History and Culture

Published by Anonymous under on 10:20 AM
The Turkana tribe is one of the largest tribes of Kenya, and they are nomadic, pastoralist people. Counting with a population of approximately 300,000 people, they are one of the few tribes that have been able to maintain most of their traditions and culture despite colonization efforts. In their nomadic roaming, they cover a total area of approximately 67,000 square kilometers.

The Turkana tribe is also known for the Tribal fights with their neighbors because of the scarce resources available to all. There have been reports of raids and counter-raids between Turkana people and the surrounding tribes in which they attempt to secure water and livestock in order to subsist during the arid, dry times that are custom for the area they inhabit. This has aggressive attitude has also made them less gullible and susceptible to colonialism, and is visible by their large numbers as a tribe and their adherence to their tribal beliefs and way of life.

Turkana: An overview of Tribal History and Culture

In the modern world we live in, there are very few cultures that remain relatively untouched by the changes and technology we see around us all. The Turkana tribe happens to be one of them. The Turkana tribe is composed of a pastoralist, nomad group from North Western Kenya that still wanders the area between Turkana Lake and the Great Rift Valley on the border of Uganda. (Ambros 1999). It is estimated that about one-third to one half of the Turkana tribe has decided to remain settled (Advameg 2008).

Formerly known as Nilo- Hamites, the Turkana count with a population of 250,000 to 300,000 people, and are considered Kenya’s third largest tribe, and the second largest community of pastoralists, following the Massai tribe. (Finke, J. 2003) Because of the instability of the weather in the area, the people see drought and severe heat as a part of daily life in the tribal ways. This also means that, due to the lack of resources for survival, relations between the Turkana and the neighboring tribes are strained and aggressive (The Kenya Advisor, 2007-2009). An example of how little the Turkana people have been affected by attempts to adapt to colonialism is their adherence to their beliefs. A mere 10% of the Turkana population is estimated to be professing Christian beliefs.

The Turkana people believe in only one god, Akuj. Their god rarely interferes with human life, and is even considered to have turned his back on the Turkana people. Akuj displays different genders depending on the occasion. There are times that Akuj is invoked as Mother (Ito) or as Father (Apa). It is the assumption of the tribe that Akuj is simply an single entity which serves as the core of their beliefs, with multiple facets or traits which display accordingly in order to explain a deep red sky or the heavy winds that blow (Moore, H. L., Sanders, T., & Kaare, B. 2003)

According to tribal stories, the origin of their people came to be when women pushed up the sky a created a space for people, plants and animals to be reborn outside the skeleton of Akuj. This also reflects the ambiguous nature of the gender of Akuj. Just as a child, when born, leaves the womb, and eventually feeds from its mother’s breast, the Turkana people left Akuj’s skeleton, but are nourished from the plants and herds they cultivate on earth (Moore, H. L., Sanders, T., & Kaare, B. 2003)

The Turkana tribe’s beliefs build upon the androgynous nature they have for Anuj with their rituals and their rites of passage. Because of the dual nature of Anuj, the tribe considers children this same way until they have matured and have become in essence, of a single gender. The child must be of a single gender once matured in order to be completed by marriage and then be able to reproduce.

An example of this is the rite of passage for men, known as Asapan. This rite involves a very particular play in androgyny and without it, boys are not considered initiated. This excludes them from eating with elders, participating in meeting and being considered as a grown man in general. Also, this prevents them from being able to marry, as they are not of a single gender without having gone through with the initiation. Once they have completed this rite of passage, males pass from boys (esorokit) to warriors (ekajion) (Moore, H. L., Sanders, T., & Kaare, B. 2003). In essence, boys must pass though all the stages of infancy and womanhood before he can be reborn as a man and has completed his initiation ritual. He must spear his favorite ox, supervised by his ceremonial godfather, and then enter the house of his ceremonial godmother. Here he is to spend the next seven days, during which he is address as aternan, which literally means, the bride. His head is anointed with a mixture of oil and ashes and red clay, and he must spend his days with the immature girls of the tribe, completing feminine tasks, and eating food which is intended for newborns (Moore, H. L., Sanders, T., & Kaare, B. 2003).

In the tribal culture, once boys are re-born into warrior men, they wear are anointed with mud, which is then painted blue and green, and decorated with feathers. They also carry a tradition of body tattooing to keep track of the people they have killed, making marks on their upper left arms and chest for the women and children and on their right for the men. Conflicts and issues are solved by the men in proximity to the area, by the “Man Tree” of the area. Here the men of reputation and power first, and the orders are carried on by the male youngsters of the area (Advameg, Inc 2008). Men in the Turkana tribe are also known for their large genitalia, and are not considered to be naked unless the glade of the penis is not covered by the prepuce. They do not practice circumcision as a part of any tribal ritual.

Marriage in the Turkana tribe is polygamous. The bride price for a Turkana bride is uncommonly high. Each new wife lives in the husband’s mother’s hut until she has borne her first child. Once she has a child, she is granted a hut and also gains access to parts of the herds of cattle. This cattle, although is not directly hers, will be inherited by her first born son (Advameg, Inc 2008). The bride-price can include from 50 cattle, 30 to 50 camels, and 100 to 200 small stock. Because of the steep bride price, most men are unable to marry until their father has passed and they have inherited cattle, and even then, in some instances, the men must go around to acquaintances and try to secure additional cattle in order to favor the Bride’s family, and his previous wives.

In respect to the arts, Turkana people are known for their singing. Their songs speak of their cattle and their land (Advameg 2008). The Turkana women commonly wear beaded necklaces as a sign of prosperity and wealth, and these also have social and spiritual significance for the tribe. (Finke, J. 2003). Finally, the Turkana people also weave baskets which are sold in tourist shops in Nairobi (Advameg, Inc 2008).

The Turkana people did not come in contact with colonialism until 1884, when Swahili caravans came to the area in search of Ivory and goods, along with Ethiopians on the same quest. After them, came the British explorers, who were also after Ivory, in the year 1888. Because both expeditionary groups were looking for the same, this caused many conflicts between the British and the Ethiopians. These conflicts lasted until 1918 (Advameg 2008).

Since the Turkana tribe has been hostile with their neighbors and incurred in cattle raids against them, they all armed up and formed what became known as the Labour Force. This group of heavily armed men was able to break the Turkana warriors and subdue them into a British rule from 1918 until World War II. After this time, the cattle raids and animosity between the Turkana and their surrounding neighbors had gone such that the British launched military attacks in order to subdue the conflicts. After Kenyan independence in 1963, the conflicts continued, and although there were general attempts at colonizing the area, they were unsuccessful due to the harsh climate and conditions of the area, which ended up getting worse during the 1970’s (Advameg 2008). Because of this, the area that was set as the Turkana settlements has remained up to date as a poorly developed, overlooked area, and the Turkana tribe has continued on their nomadic traditions across the lands.

The Turkana tribe has remained, like a well woven cloth, put together throughout the changes they have seen as a group of people in Africa. Despite colonization attempts by the British people and the Ethiopian people, their culture, beliefs and traditions have prevailed and to this day, they still roam the lands of their ancestors.

As a group of people, we see that they are survivors, engaging in wars and raids with different tribes in order to subside the harsh conditions they face each season.

They are spiritual people and have a god that is considered a single entity which serves as the core of their beliefs, with multiple facets or traits, and which has androgynous tendencies.

Most of all, the Turkana people have been able to increase their population have been able to continue their lifestyle, despite the climate they endure.

Compared to the many tribes that call Africa their homeland, the Turkana tribe has been very well kept and has been able to maintain their territory, culture and identity.

References Cited

Advameg, Inc. (2008 In Turkana. Retrieved from

Ambros, E. (1999). The Turkana. In Kenya (3rd ed., pp. 42-43). Hunter

Publishing, Inc.

Eisenstadt, S. N. (2009). Age Groups in NonKinship Societies. In From generation

to generation (3rd ed., pp. 119-123). Transaction Publishers, 2003.

(Original work published 1956) (2009). Turkana tribe of Kenya. Retrieved September 4, 2009, from

Finke, J. (2003). Turkana Material Culture. Retrieved September 4, 2009, from

Finke, J. (2003). Turkana Introduction. Retrieved September 4, 2009, from

Moore, H. L., Sanders, T., & Kaare, B. (2003). Those who play with fire: Gender,

Fertility, and Transformation in East and Southern Africa (Vol. 69 of

London School of Economic Monogrpahs on Social Anthopology). Berg


The Kenya (2007-2009). The Turkana Tribe. In Kenya Advisor.

Retrieved September 4, 2009, from

Demographic Transitions

Published by Anonymous under on 5:17 PM

Demographic Transitions and its phases

Demographic transition is the term used for the changes a population experiences over a long period time. These changes are measured by the birth rates and the death rates of the population. The theory of demographic transition indicates that all populations must go through the three original phases before there are low, stable birth and death rates, and the population sustains a sustainable growth.

The four phases of demographic transition are:

  1. High Fluctuating
    1. During this phase, there are high death rates and high birth rates. Usually, there is little or no access to birth control, and people tend to have more children in order to make sure that there are descendants that will live long enough to procreate and take care of the elderly. In the first phase, the population can be either constantly fluctuating or consistently declining. The high birth rates usually compensate for the high death rates, however, if a serious epidemic affects the population, a great loss is expected because these populations tend to have poor healthcare.

  2. Early Expansion
    1. In the second stage of transition, death rates start to decline due to advancement in medicine and available healthcare for the ill and elderly, and also because of different lifestyles. This means that the population is experiencing growth

  3. Late Expansion
    1. During the third phase of the demographic transition, the population is stable. Demographers state that contraception begins to become widely available and this in turn helps lower the birth rates. Also, the population’s lifestyle has changed. With the decreasing death rate, people foresee that they will have a longer life and tend to post-pone starting a family, and even then, they no longer have numerous children.

  4. Low Fluctuation
    1. In the last stage, the population is either stable or slightly growing. This happens because the death rate is becoming a steady percentage and people understand that there is no need for large families, as in the past.

Overall, the living conditions tend to improve as the population advances in the demographical transitions. In the early demographic transition phases, people are often very ill, lead unhealthy lives and have a short life expectancy. They tend to have many children in order to make sure there are enough hands to cultivate lands and care for elders and children lead a poor quality lifestyle. However, with the increase in the life span, populations begin to work differently. Mature people start taking care of the family, and providing for all members, elders are able to care for themselves longer, children are able to grow and acquire knowledge prior to experiencing hardships and are much more healthy. This is because people are able to live longer lives and are more conscientious of their health. As a population, people tend to advance more technologically, and are able to expand into larger communities. Also, this impacts the environment as well. Because people are living longer, there is a larger amount of people alive at the same time. This affects the environment in a negative way because it can lead to a depletion of natural resources, deforestation in order to make lands for crops and living areas, and also because there is an overall higher density in all of earth’s populations: more cattle is needed to feed more people, more grains need to be cultivated in order to feed more cattle, and so forth. However, if a plan is developed to make sure the population grows at a sustainable rate and makes sure that the natural resources available are used in a conscientious manner that promotes an overall balance of all species, this phase of the demographic transitions is the most beneficial.


Montgomery, K. (n.d.). The Demographic Transition. In Department of Geography &
geology Resources. Retrieved May 24, 2009, from

Barcelona Field Studies Centre S.L. (2009). The Demographic Transition Model. In
Geography Field Work of the Barcelona Field Studies Centre. Retrieved
May 24, 2009, from

Autotroph organisms

Published by Anonymous under on 5:16 PM

Autotrophs are the organisms that synthesize their own food from photosynthesis. This means they produce glucose in order to feed themselves. A couple examples of these are plants, such as oak trees, algae, and the blue dragon sea slug. These organisms use sunlight in order to synthesize glucose.

The name given to the organisms that use aerobic respiration exclusively to break down glucose are obligate aerobes. They can only survive in environments that contain oxygen, because these organisms oxidize fats and sugars in order to obtain energy. Almost all animals are obligate aerobes. Some examples of these organisms are the Bacillus bacteria, humans, and fish.

Cells that do not use oxygen to meet their energy needs are considered anaerobic organisms. These cells use the fermentation process as their way of obtaining energy. The way they do this is the following: glycosis produces pyruvate, and ATP from glucose, creating lactic acid. Some organisms produce alcohol instead of lactic acid. It is important to note the fermentation produces a considerable amount of less energy than respiration.
Human muscles use fermentation to get energy and certain kinds of yeast create alcohol from fermentation, thus creating beer.

Enzymes are molecules made of proteins, which in turn are made of amino acids. Although enzymes are not direct participants in a chemical reaction they do however how the characteristic that they accelerate the reaction, up to a million times faster than its original rate. Some examples of enzymes are amylase and sucrase.


Examples of Cellular Enzymes. (n.d.). Cellular Enzymes. Retrieved May 23, 2009,

Schulte McMenamin, D. L. (1990). The garden of Ediacara. In The Emergence of
Animals . Retrieved May 24, 2009, from

Obligate Aerobes. (2008, October 10). Biology Online. Retrieved May 24, 2009,

Final Persuasive Essay for Eng 105

Published by Anonymous under on 5:13 PM

Support for Same Sex Marriage
an overview of the reasons why gay marriage should be allowed by law

Imagine a world where not all people were allowed to share the privileges and glories of a legal union to their significant other, because of some else’s religious views. A world where, because of the characteristics that some people seek in their partner, they are condemned and stratified. Imagine people being forced to live under someone else’s beliefs, and forcibly, live under their conditions, which state that the union to a significant other is unacceptable. This is the reality of gay couples have to face in a daily basis, because gay marriage is yet to be passed as a legal right.

Same sex marriage has been the center of controversy for a while now because of the passionate opinions people have in regards to this subject. Although it was made legal in California, there has been a new veto passed, called Preposition 8, in which it is declared illegal once again. However, many advocates are very active in the efforts to legalize same sex marriage once again, and they have just cause for it.

Although many people believe that same sex marriage should not be allowed, same sex marriage should be permitted because of the legal connotations of marriage, and because of this, same sex life partners should have the right to these as well as heterosexual couples. Also, if we take a look at our country, we see that State and Church are separate entities. This means that although it is religiously unacceptable to many, gay marriage should not be banned by law.

Gay couples are looking to have a stronger, consolidated union and legal recognition of this is a right, not a gift. Gay couples are also individuals who spend their lives together, for the pursuit of happiness. All people, provided that they cause not harm to other, have the right to pursue happiness, as any individual does.

Taking a look at the opposition, we see that their arguments are not sufficient to validate a just cause to oppose and legally ban gay marriage. The main reason people oppose gay marriage is because it is opposed to what is taught from the Bible. Traditional values have taught us all that marriage is between a man and a woman. Many people still see homosexuality as an immoral act that needs to be condemned and eradicated. Because of this thought, allowing gay people to join their lives in marriage is a preposterous ideal. Marriage is seen as the product of the union between a man and a woman, which has the ultimate goal of allowing them both to become parents; but the conservative views in regards to this are best put in the words of Frank Zepezauer, The heterosexual, two-parent family is being assaulted on many fronts. Of these, the most significant has been defined by the homosexualist drive to establish single-sex marriage” (Zepezauer 1997).

Sadly, many individuals see the gay community as the cause of the downfall of marriages. Nowadays, a great percentage of marriages end in divorce, and this trend is at an all-time alarming high. However, it is incorrect and unacceptable to allow society to blame this the gay community when there are other factors that are the main catalysts for divorce, such as domestic violence, drug abuse, spousal abandonment, and infidelity. As Jim Wallis states: “To say gay and lesbian people are responsible for the breakdown of the heterosexual family is simply wrong. That breakdown is causing a great social crisis that affects us all, but it is hardly the fault of gays and lesbians.” (Wallis 2008). More alarmingly, conservatives believe that all gay people are promiscuous individuals, and allowing them to marry is a sacrilege to the institution of marriage, and arguments against this go as far as to state the gay marriage would b proposed to not even limit itself to two people, as Robert P. George and David L. Tubbs said: The evidence, however, suggests that acceptance of the norm of sexual exclusivity is a minority view among homosexuals in the United States and elsewhere. Furthermore, because intimate relations between persons of the same sex are inherently—and not merely contingently—unconnected to procreation, there is no principled reason to limit same-sex marriage to two persons” (Tubbs, Robert P. George and David L., 2006). This claim is invalid because gay people do not seek group marriage- they seek to allow their unions to a single significant other to be acknowledged by society as a solid commitment, as a nuclear unit, and as an inherent right of all citizens.

Some female activists insist that same sex marriage denigrates women in the sense that it eliminates them from the equation: women are no longer the sole focus of male romantic love. Sam Schulman stated that “with [. . .] the success of the gay-liberation movement, it is women themselves, all women, who will be hurt. The reason is that gay marriage takes something that belongs essentially to women, is crucial to their very freedom, and empties it of meaning” (Schulman 2007). The reality is that gay people will be gay, regardless of the acceptance of gay marriage by society. It is their nature and identity to feel attraction towards a person of the same sex, not the opposite. Because of this, we can say that although traditionally, the role of marriage was to provide a haven to the union a man and a woman; by excluding gay couples from marriage, we are denying them the freedom our country so proudly claims to value so dearly.

Aside from the emotional bonds that gay people share being one of the reasons why they clamor for the right to marry, there are also legal connotations and constitutional rights that need to be taken into consideration as well. In our country, State and religion are to be kept separate by constitution. Therefore, this would eliminate the opposing argument that homosexuality ought to be condemned because the Bible “says so”. Throughout history there have been several cases where these arguments come to light. Two of the most notable ones are:

Jones v. Hallahan (Kentucky, 1973). A lesbian couple argued that denying them a marriage license deprived them of three basic constitutional rights—the right to marry, the right to associate, and the right to freely exercise their religion. . (NOLO Law for all, 2005)

Baker v. Nelson (Minnesota, 1971). A gay male couple argued that the absence of sex-specific language in the Minnesota statute was evidence of the legislature's intent to authorize same-sex marriages. The couple also claimed that prohibiting them from marrying was a denial of their due process and equal protection rights under the Constitution. The court stated that it could find no support for these arguments in any United States Supreme Court decision. (NOLO Law for all, 2005)

It is clear in both of these cases, the prejudice and stratification was applied to the final verdicts, and is a very obvious case discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Overall, we must keep in mind that gay marriage isn’t demanding to be acknowledged in a religious aspect. No spiritual compromise of faith is being requested, merely a legal recognition that two individuals are committing to spending the rest of their lives together, supporting and assisting each other throughout life, functioning as a separate, individual unit of society. The legal compromise of the word marriage leaves many inherent rights at stake for gay couples, rights that they otherwise do not have any access to. These are rights that should come with any official union, and there are no ways to enforce them if the union of a couple cannot be considered legal. Same sex couples are not eligible for Social Security benefits, [or] immigration privileges (NOLO Law for all). This means that unless both individuals are US citizens, neither one can request their marriage to support the other’s request for a US citizenship. Sadly, there are even more rights and benefits that gay couples will have no access to because of the laws prohibiting gay marriage, benefits such as:

· family laws such as annulment, divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, domestic violence, adoption, and property division

· rights to sue for wrongful death, loss of consortium, and under any other tort or law concerning spousal relationships

· medical rights such as hospital visitation, notification, and durable power of attorney
family leave benefits

· joint state tax filing, and
property inheritance when one partner dies without a will.

(NOLO law for all, 2005)

A notable case of the implications of these rights can be observed in the judicial case of Matter of Estate of Cooper (New York, 1990). Cooper died, leaving the bulk of his property to his ex-lover. His current lover sued to inherit as a surviving spouse under New York's inheritance laws. The court concluded that only a lawfully recognized husband or wife qualifies as a surviving spouse and that "persons of the same sex have no constitutional rights to enter into a marriage with each other." (NOLO Law for all, 2005). It is shameful to see how individuals who claim gay marriage is not permissible, also take away what little is left of a person’s legacy and commitment to their significant other, turning a blind eye to the biblical claims in regards to this.

Although Gay marriage seems appalling to many, every person has the right to all the legal rights that come with the recognition of their union, and this should not be denied. It is important for the general public to open their eyes and realize that this is not a “Gay/Lesbian Rights issue”- this is a civil rights issue. Because Church and State are separate institutions in our country, Gay marriage should be allowed- regardless of religious factors and beliefs. Keep in mind the words of Jim Wallis in regards to this: Do we really want to deny a gay person's right to be at their loved one's deathbed in a hospital with "family restrictions"? Do we also want to deny that person a voice in the medical treatment of his or her partner?” (Jim Wallis 2008). These inherent rights are the main things we are denying gay couples by banning same sex marriage.

Many people are manifesting in Congress to stop gay marriage and to amend the constitution in order to make marriage exclusive to a man and a woman. People need to be active and support gay marriage because if not, fundamentalists and right wing activist will ensure that gay people are suppressed and discriminated, denying their rights to a legally recognized union. Gay people have all the right, as much as straight couple, to have legal recognition of their union. Our country is one where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is entitled to all. Gay people are not the exception, and should not be treated as such.

Wednesdays! To Do's!

Published by Anonymous under on 9:41 AM
  1. Persuasive Essay -English 105
    -Draft, outline, and references from Opposing Viewpoints Database and Galileo
    -Locate the In-Class Essay #2, and review
    -Submit both files to Dr. K by email
  2. Livability on New Orleans
    -Investigate Water, Sewage and Electric for New Orleans, LA
    -Write rough draft based on guidelines by Paulette
    -Post on discussion board
  3. Respiratory System
    -Check for new posts/emails on topic selection
    -Update student communications discussion board
    -Decide and post up final topic
    -Divide assignment sections
    -Post assignment sections for each member on their designated discussion board
    -Email Prof. Lynn informing her of all updates
    -Work on basic overview, functions of respiratory system and it's purpose in human body
    -Post on my discussion board
  4. Work on Env Sci pending assignments

In class essay #4 - Qualities of a good movie

Published by Anonymous under on 6:32 AM
Qualities of a good movie

Have you ever endured a movie for an hour or two, just to be thoroughly disappointed at the ending? Or have you been very enticed by seeing previews, only to find out that the movie itself is a total fluke? Yes, indeed, we have all excitedly seen a movie only to be completely let down and upset at the overall film. Some of us even have cues or ideas that would have made a terrible movie into an acceptable one. But is there really a magic formula in creating a movie? Some might say it’s just a matter of a good director, a lot of planning and a dash of good luck; but let’s take a look at some of the best movies that have come and gone.
Some of the best movies of all time are The Godfather 2, Gone with the Wind, The Lord of the rings, Ferris Bueller’s day off, Dot the I, Apocalypto and Fight Club. All of these movies leave us with a thought provoking ending that surprises us, shocks us, or makes us feel a little more connected to humanity because we can empathize. Based on this idea, we can say that there are a few qualities that all great movies should bear, at least at a minimum level, in order to be considered good and remembered by the audiences.
Looking at the main idea of a movie, we can identify what to expect from it: if it’s a zombie movie, we know we will see plenty of bloodshed; if it’s a movie about a couple, we can guess that they break up and make up throughout the course of the film; if it’s about racing cars, we know we will see someone racing someone else; and if it’s a movie about cops, we know that someone will eventually get in a fight with the authorities. What sets apart the good ones from the bad ones is that the storylines are conceivable and convincing. The main theme behind the movie is presented in a way that, even if it is based on a fictional situation, the viewers can empathize and can imagine themselves in a similar situation at least partially.
The actors of the movie are also a significant factor in the outcome. Actors and actresses gave a face and personality to a character, and overall should be able to steer the viewer’s focus and perspective to their character’s involvement in the story. There have been many times a bad actor or actress plays the central role in the movie, and does not appear to be in-tune with the character they are playing. The lead actor or actress needs to in all possible ways transform into the character he or she plays and must also transmit this in his or her attitude and demeanor to the audience watching the movie.
Supporting actors and actresses are also important in the overall development of the movie. Although they must also be in-tune with their characters, the main idea is that they do not deter the movie or distract the audience from the main story of the central character, but in fact, they must build and add to it.
A good movie with a flowing storyline and good actors, must also have a plot to it, it is the reason behind of why the audience is watching. The plot has the viewers asking themselves “So what happens now?”. Although it is not a requirement, we do see that the majority of movies have a twist or turn in what was to be expected. This is a way of keeping the audience engaged and caught up with what is going on the movie. A good movie will compel us to watch in order to see the outcome of the events that are unfolding throughout the film, and will build up the excitement and anticipation for the ending as well. One thing that is important to notice is that a good movie will not overuse clichés and will not use the very obvious ones frequently, if at all. Some of these can be identified as “the good guy that gets the girl” or “the character that opens an ominous looking door to find the killer waiting” and such.
The ending of the movie is always the best part. The fact that a good movie has an interesting twist to the plot does not in any way mean that the ending must be over-the-top dramatic or unexpected. The ending can be somewhat predictable, but the important thing is that it has some emotional appeal to the audience. From being that the main character is unexpectedly killed to a surprising twist of events and an opportunity is found, to simply reiterating the main idea of the movie, a good ending will always be thought-provoking, heart-wrenching, puzzling or even upsetting; but always sticking to the margins of what can come across as feasible and believable.
In conclusion, we can all agree that everyone has different views and opinions about a movie’s overall outcome; however, it is simple to see that although there is no magical formula to make a good movie, they all have some common traits. A conceivable storyline, actors that make the audience empathize, an interesting plot that entertains the viewer without being predictable and an ending that appeals to the viewer at an emotional or intellectual level make sure that a movie has a good foundation and also ensure that a certain level of coherence and unity are present. Finally, we can say that a movie is like a complex tapestry, in which all the threads must link together in order to make a real masterpiece in which all the little details make up the bigger picture and a fascinating final result.

Scientific Inquiry & Controlled Experiments: Tigers and their extinction

Published by Anonymous under on 7:54 AM
Consequences of their extinction
Tigers are known to be one of the world’s best predators. Their skeleton, their body, their teeth, tail and stomach are all made for hunting. Tigers consume on average 50 animals per year, each (Busch Entertainment Corporation, 2002). Tigers mostly hunt wild boar, wildebeest, gazelles, and several species of deer, such as nigali, chital, and sambar. They inhabit dense forests, as this serves them as cover since they usually attack by stalking their prey and then suffocating them by pressing down their throat. Although they are great predators, they are currently an endangered species. Currently, there are 3 species of tigers that are extinct: Bali, Javan and Caspian. They all disappeared in the 20th century. Nowadays, the remaining species of tigers only occupy a mere 7% of the land they have historically been known to roam for prey (National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 2009). If we have a population of 100 or 150 tigers in a selected environment, and a larger population of prey, tigers will maintain a balance of the area’s resources and population, and this maintains a harmonious balance in the area. Also, this promotes survival of the fittest and makes for stronger prey and they make stronger offspring.
But, what happens to the population of the prey and the resources of the area if tigers extinct? Do tigers maintain a balance on the resources of the particular area they hunt in? My hypothesis is that by hunting, tigers help maintain a balance and a control on the population of their prey and the area’s resources.
If tigers go extinct, then several things would happen:
· Overgrowth of prey population
· Depletion of area’s resources: water, grass
· Barren lands: absence of carcasses to fertilize the land
In my example of a controlled experiment, two areas will be designated as protected areas for certain species: Wildebeest, Wild boars, deer and antelope. These are all either omnivores or herbivores and will feed off the natural resources of the area, such as grass, nuts, insects and small reptiles.
In area A, there will be all the above species and there will be tigers. This will be the control group for the experiment and will serve as a guide for the normal circumstances in which nature develops and tigers interact with the species around them.
In Area B, there will be the above species, but there will be no tigers. This means that the omnivores and herbivores will roam and reproduce freely; also they will have indiscriminate use of the resources available in the area.
There will be a total amount of 500 animals of these species in each protected area. There will be 7 tigers, 4 female and 3 male.The experiment will be conducted over an extensive period of time, 5 years. During this time, the population of the existing species in the area and their reproduction will be closely monitored. Most importantly, the abundance of natural resources, such as water, plants, fruits, and grass, will also be monitored. If, despite the absence of tigers, the environment still maintains a steady progression and the resources still abound, then the hypothesis is proven to be false.
During the experiment, we were able to observe the following: In the protected area A, where there were tigers, there were approximately 350 animals hunted by the tigers. However, due to the reproduction of the species, their population maintained an even balance since there were 400 births. There were also several cubs added to the tiger’s population, and ultimately we see that all the populations grow at a controlled rate. The natural resources of the area maintained an even level, as plants, water and food were never scarce, but never overgrown or overpopulated.In the protected area B, we were able to prove that if there is no hunt, the prey population overgrows and then depletes the natural resources available in the area. Water is scarce, plants’ fruits are few, and there are too many animals to be feed. Also, there are too many animals for the area, since 400 animals were birthed but only 100 died.
Based on the results of the experiment, we can say that the hypothesis was proven correct. By hunting, tiger maintain a balance on the resources and population of their prey and this in turn balances the natural resources available to all the inhabitants to the area.
The results of this experiment can be used as further evidence as to why we need to protect tigers from extinction and also as to why there must be a predator in a protected area. Further experimentation can be done to see which type of tiger manages to maintain a higher control of the population and resources based on their hunt, and also on how different prey can bring different results.
Busch Entertainment Corporation. (2002). Tigers. In Tigers. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. (2009). Tiger Conservation Landscapes. In Save The Tiger Fund. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from default.htm

Natural Succesion in Ecosystems: Coral Reefs

Published by Anonymous under on 9:13 PM

Coral Reefs:
How they are affected

Coral reefs are some of the world’s most old and complex organisms, around since more than 200 million years ago, taking 50 million years to achieve the biological diversity they have now. The coral reefs we see today have built themselves throughout the last 8,000 t o 10,000 years.
Coral is a living organism, created through a cooperative alliance of coral polyps, a tiny animal that filters rock fragments from the surrounding water and single-celled plants that dwell within the polyps. The plants generate many of the nutrients the corals need to live and capture calcium from the seawater, which the polyps use to build their limestone shells.

Reefs are most commonly found between the Tropic of Capricorn and the tropic of Cancer. Here the waters are stable and warm (64-86 degrees Fahrenheit) year-round and the days are longer, providing more sunlight to the reef.
Reefs serve as home not only to live polyps but also, to many species of algae, seaweed, sponge, and mollusks. Coral reefs cover merely .2% of the ocean bottom, but account for over 25% of the world’s marine species.

There are many threats, both natural and anthropological to coral reefs. Due to erosion, the coral reefs are clouded with silt and mud and sediment from the earth drags into the ocean, clouding the reefs. This also means that fertilizers and untreated sewage drag into the reefs and impact negatively on the reefs as well. Because of sedimentation, garbage is also dragged and also ends up into the reefs, and also clouds the reefs as well. The untreated sewage also promotes the growth of excess algae, which in turn attracts predators and thus creates a cycle of destruction in which the coral reefs are the main victim.
This impacts the reef negatively because coral reefs flourish in clear waters because they need sunshine. Due to an excess of nutrients because of the erosion and sedimentation, there is algae overgrowth. The excess of algae attracts predators and this decreases the biodiversity of the coral reefs.
As ocean temperatures rise, the coral reefs start to turn white, causing what is known as “Coral bleaching”. The carbon dioxide that is expelled by cars, factories and the like is also being absorbed by the ocean. This in turn, acidifies the sea water and organisms with a calcified shell such as lobsters and coral reefs, are more prone to simply dissolving, much like a pearl dropped in acid.
Natural disasters, such as storms and tsunamis, also cause damage on the population of the coral reefs and destroy them as well.

Tourism impacts the reefs negatively because tourists take pieces of coral, damaging and breaking coral branches for souvenirs ignoring the fact that a single branch of coral reef can take hundreds of years to grow to it’s proportions. Also, careless boat operators drop anchors directly on the reefs and navigate directly over the reefs, damaging them with the propeller blades of their boats, and even scraping them in very shallow waters.
By fishing with cyanide, fishermen stun and confuse fish and then scoop them out of the ocean. By doing this, the fish are still alive and are then sold for aquariums, or for live fish restaurants. However, this kills the delicate organisms that live within the coral reefs, and also kills the coral polyps themselves.

Fishermen also create bombs with substances that will kill the fish in the surrounding area of the explosion; however, this also explodes the coral reefs into bits and pieces, and kills the inhabitant organisms as well.

Because of all the damages that coral reefs are suffering, scientists predict that there might be a severe threat to them by the year 2050. Reefs are very fragile and susceptible to damage. A single branch or a coral reef can take hundreds of years before it grown fully into a large portion of the reef. Because of this, we can say that reefs are not very resilient. Although some reefs adapt quicker to changes than others, they are still affected and impacted in a large manner, and they are quickly declining worldwide. In order to preserve the existing coral reefs from future damage, people must intervene in a large collected effort, because overall, mankind is the biggest causer of the damage to coral reefs. The reasons why men must intervene in order to propitiate the recovery of coral reefs are the following:

  • Fishing practices must be changed in order to stop killing the coral polyps and in order to stop exploding the reefs
  • Sewage systems must be improved in order to avoid excessive algae growth
  • Carbon Dioxide emission must be reduced in order to delay and reduce the acidification of the oceans, which causes for a more sensible, fragile skeleton on the polyps and also causes the coral reefs to be more vulnerable to damages
  • Tourism and fishing must be allowed in designated areas of coral reefs in order to allow for other areas to flourish and grow.
  • There must be designated protected areas of coral reefs where they are able to grow with no threats and where reefs can recover from damages already caused.


Nutritional Data- Raw Peaches

Published by Anonymous under on 4:44 PM

  1. Analyze the nutritional components of the food you select and in your own words, answer the following questions using the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory website.
    1. What was the food and portion size you chose?
    2. Describe its composition in terms of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
    3. How many calories are in your food item? (Found in the Database as Energy – kcal)
    4. List some of the most common vitamins and minerals in this food item.
    5. Are there other important nutritional components of this food item? If so, list these. If not, say so.
  2. How much of your food item is water? Provide one reason why water is important for life.

  3. State the highest category of biological molecule in your food - Carbohydrates, Lipids, or Proteins. Describe the structure of this type of molecule, and its primary function(s).
  4. After identifying the nutritional components discuss WHY you would or would not recommend this food item as part of a healthy diet. Use references and guidelines such as the Food Pyramid and Recommended Daily Allowances to support your recommendations. Here is a link to the USDA interactive Food Pyramid resource, to help you analyze nutritional needs.


Nutritional Data
Raw Peaches

I chose a peach, raw. The portion size was 1 medium peach, 2-2/3” of diameter and approximately 150g in weight. The peach is mostly composed of protein and carbohydrates. There is 1.36g of protein in raw peaches, 14.31g of carbohydrates and 0.38g of lipids. There are 58 calories in a peach.

Some of the vitamins and minerals that are found in peaches are Vitamins C, K, and E, Niacin, Chorine, Beta Carotene, Potassium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. In peaches we can also find 2.29g of fructose and 2.2g of fiber.

There is 133.31g of water in a medium sized peach. One of the main reasons why water is so important is because it is such a good solvent. Water can dissolve many substances, such as proteins, salts and sugars. (Audesirk, T., Audesirk, G., and Byers, B.E., 2008)

Carbohydrates consist of the elements carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) with a ratio of hydrogen twice that of carbon and oxygen. Carbohydrates include sugars, starches, cellulose and many other compounds found in living organisms (Zamora, 2005).

The main functions of carbohydrates are short-term and mid-term energy storage. (Bio 113- Carbohydrates, n.d.)

Based on the Food Pyramid by the USDA, some of the benefits of eating fruit are reduction of the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes 2, and also helps repair of all body tissues, helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy.

Peaches are a good source of vitamin C and are also a rich in potassium and phosphorus. They are low in calories and contain mostly water. Peaches are a good item to include in any diet because it has a good source of vitamins and minerals and also a good item to consume in order to reach the USDA guideline for fruit intake.


Audesirk, T., Audesirk, G., and Byers, B.E. (2008). Biology Life on Earth with Physiology. (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Retrieved May 2, 2009, from AIU Online, Virtual Campus. SCI206 Biology. SCI2060902A:16 website.

Zamora, A. (2005). Carbohydrates - Chemical Structure. In Scientific Psychic.
Retrieved May 3, 2009, from

Bio 113- Carbohydrates. (n.d.). WKU BIO 113- Carbohydrates. Retrieved May 3,
2009, from

Why death Penalty should be eliminated- Persuasive Speech- Working Outline

Published by Anonymous under on 7:10 PM

Why the death penalty in the USA should be eliminated

I. Introduction

A. He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." -John 8:7

B. The origin of the term Capital Punishment: Latin word Capitalis, “regarding the head”.

C. Origin of term Capital Crime

D. The four most populated countries: USA, India, China and Indonesia have not banished death penalty.

E. Among others, countries that allow the death penalty are: Afghanistan, Cuba, Guatemala, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Philippines, Sudan, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe.

F. Among others, countries that have abolished death penalty: Australia, Cambodia, Canada, Austria, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Haiti, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Spain, United Kingdom, Venezuela, and Yugoslavia

G. US states that still allow death penalty, 36 in total, but most convictions come from southern states: Texas, Florida, California, and Georgia.

II. Supporting arguments

A. death penalty does not deter the crime rates more that Life without Parole

B. Police does not believe death penalty reduces the incidence of violent crimes

C. The death penalty is an arbitrary punishment.

D. There is no way to undo the damages done.

E. Prohibited by the 8th amendment to the US Constitution.

F. There is no exclusion in the death penalty once sentenced. Mentally ill are also executed.

G. It is more expensive than Life without parole.

H. Disparity:

1. If the victim is white, the criminal is more likely to get sentenced to death penalty.

2. Poor people are more likely to get death sentence

I. Morality: two wrongs do not make a right. Are we re-enforcing that retributive justice is allowed?

III. Conclusion

A. Overall, the justice system is more just and equal to all if the death penalty is removed.

B. We cannot play God and decide to kill others in retribution.

C. "We oppose the death penalty not just for what it does to those guilty of heinous crimes, but for what it does to all of us: it offers the tragic illusion that we can defend life by taking life." -- Most Rev. Joseph A.

Creating a Succesful Team- Working Outline

Published by Anonymous under on 7:09 PM

Creating a successful team

Working outline

I. Introduction

A. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” –Aristotle

B. Great teams require effort and commitment, trust and accountability as they aim for results.

C. Anticipate, prepare for and avoid dysfunctions model loopholes By using the 5 dysfunction model, we can see the potential downfalls of a team.

II. Dysfunction Model

A. Absence of Trust

1. Trust will help everyone is comfortable speaking openly, and this will lead to being open about discussing challenges and issues in a group.

B. Fear of Conflict

1. By feeling validated and empowered to speak the team will be able to discuss openly any issues

2. Discussing issues will allow for creative solutions and practical, realistic decisions.

C. Lack of Commitment

1. Lack of commitment is the first step to failure. By lacking this, a group has no passion or desire to do what needs to be done, and will not put any effort into the necessary tasks.

2. A good way help maintain all group members committed is by having everyone show up for all team meetings and participate in completing all group assignments

3. In order to maintain fairness and balance, there must be equal responsibility among all tasks for team members.

D. Avoidance of Accountability

1. Assigning two people to each task can help accountability as one member can help the other and vice versa

2. We are accountable for our decisions in our personal life so why shouldn't we be just as accountable in our work life." - Catherine Pulsifer

E. Inattention to Results

1. Have a high level of standards and expectations… and keep everyone consistent about them

2. “Success is a journey, not a destination” so success is the reward.

Creating a Succesful Team- Speaking Outline

Published by Anonymous under on 7:06 PM

Creating a successful team

Speaking outline

I. Introduction

A. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” –Aristotle

B. Great teams require effort and commitment, trust and accountability as they aim for results

C. “The journey is the reward.” Reap what you sow

D. Challenges will arise, plan ahead and look at the potential downfalls.

E. Anticipate, prepare for and avoid dysfunctions model loopholes.

II. Dysfunction Model

A. Absence of Trust

1. Trust will help everyone is comfortable speaking openly.

B. Fear of Conflict

1. By feeling validated and empowered to speak the team will be able to discuss openly any issues

C. Lack of Commitment

1. Showing up for all team meetings and participate in completing all group assignments

2. Keep equal responsibility.

D. Avoidance of Accountability

1. Assigning two people to each task can help accountability as one member can help the other and vice versa

2. We are accountable for our decisions in our personal life so why shouldn't we be just as accountable in our work life." - Catherine Pulsifer

E. Inattention to Results

1. Have a high level of standards and expectations… and keeping everyone consistent about them

2. “Success is a journey, not a destination” so success is the reward.